Registering for Baby Cullen

From the first week we found out I was pregnant, we found out somewhere around week 6, I started my registry. I know what you are thinking, she's a bit extra, but honestly, I was A) wanting to be as prepared as possible and not have to rush to make a registry last minute andContinue reading "Registering for Baby Cullen"

I am a Kentucky Teacher

  As soon as I was old enough to know that school existed, I wanted to go. My little mind thirsted for knowledge so badly that when they told me my birthday fell one day behind the deadline to start school for the year I was 5 that in the year I had to waitContinue reading "I am a Kentucky Teacher"

Thank a Farmer

There have been a lot of things going on in the farming world lately and it makes it scary for those who are (or love) farmers. Overall, family farms are dwindling and large corporate farms are growing. Don't get me wrong I have no problem with providing enough food to provide for the whole world.Continue reading "Thank a Farmer"

Pregnancy Planning Vs. Pregnancy Reality

SURPRISE!!! Baby Harper will be joining us in August. I am currently in week 11 and the nausea for the most part has calmed down (Although the hormonal crying and food aversions have not) and I'm feeling pretty good honestly. This first trimester has been a MAJOR learning experience. We weren't planning on children atContinue reading "Pregnancy Planning Vs. Pregnancy Reality"

5 things to do in Bowling Green, Ky

Oh, the bluegrass state. Home to more barrels of bourbon than people, some of the worlds fastest horse and some dang good college Basketball. While most people think about Louisville or Lexington when they think about Kentucky, good old southern Kentucky has its charms. So without further ado, here are my 5 top things toContinue reading "5 things to do in Bowling Green, Ky"